Consciousness does not have a prioritized position in its relation to reality.
This does not mean to diminish object-object(human) relations, on the contrary considered with this in mind these relations become more dynamic.

The form of an object is a result to its past; the essence of an object lies in the future.
The objects destruction is a reconciliation between past:future, form:essence.
An objects form may be altered by a set of relations to create a new object with a new form. These new object may better serve a set of relations ends. This does not negate the withdrawn reality of the object, as any object is deeper then the sum of its form/past/relations.
Objects are formed and destroyed with impunity.

Paintbrush-for applying paint, mortgage-for purchasing a home, new sneakers-for schoolyard popularity.

The arrangement of objects-for; relaxation, commerce, productivity, and/or pleasure (interchangeably) form indexical marks of the human-object relations.
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